Relocation of a CNC machine tool from Germany to Poland
Unloading, entering the hall and setting up machines and production equipment included in the MODULE 4_6_8 line
Number of machines: 32 pcs.
Unloading, entering the hall and setting up machines and production equipment included in the Welding line - WELDING
Number of machines: 63 pcs.
Relocation of a 40 Ton hydraulic press using a hall (mobile) crane ORMIG Pick&Carry
Unloading, entering the hall and setting up machines and production equipment included in the MEB RE-WELDING project
Number of machines: 38 pcs.
Unloading and setting up Horiba machines and devices - 1st stage
Zmiany Layoutu , relokacje maszyn i urządzeń w obrębie hali produkcyjnej CP 38
Unloading, introduction of machines and assembly for the project -Sejin
Number of machines : 39 pcs.
Unloading and verticalization of machines and assembly in foundation channels using the ORMIG 25Tme mobile crane
Number of machines : 9 pcs.
Relocation of the equipment of the Protoshop plant from Germany to Poland
Number of machines i urządzeń: 46 szt
Unloading and introduction to the hall of production machines. Setting, levelling, assembly with connection to power supply systems.
Number of machines i urządzeń: 189
Unloading and setting up Horiba machines and devices - 2nd stagep
Unloading and introduction of machines. For the Module 4 line (EV2020 No. 4)
Number of machines: 153 pcs.
Relokacja i ustawienie maszyn pomiarowych
Relocation of a part of the production plant from Germany to Poland
Number of machines and devices: 260
Unloading and introduction of machines. For the Module 3 line (EV2020 No. 3)
Number of machines: 156 pcs.
Assembly of the production line relocated from Sweden to Poland
Number of machines and devices: 230
Relocation of part of the production plant from Germany to Hungary
Relocation of a part of the production plant from Germany to Slovakia
Unloading into the hall of machines and production equipment included in the STBW8 line
Unloading into the hall of machines and production equipment included in the CAHM10 line
Unloading and positioning of machines included in the STBW 4/5 line
Unloading and positioning of machines included in the STCW line 3
Relocation of a 40 Ton hydraulic press using a Hall (mobile) crane ORMIG Pick&Carry
Unloading and positioning of machines included in the SBWM2 line
Unloading and entering the hall of machines included in the STCW 4 line
Relocation and connection of welder and lathe machines
Reconstruction of the production line with relocation
Relocation of the production plant to a new location in Germany
Relocation of the production line from Spain to Poland
Unloading and introduction of machines. For PACK 2 AND PACK3 CYCLER ( 5 STEP) lines
Unloading and setting Horiba machines and devices - IV stage
Unloading and entering the hall of machines included in the STBW 6 and STBW 7 lines
Relocation of the production line within the production hall
Relocation of the production plant to a new location in Wrocław - Siechnice
Unloading and entering the hall of machines included in the STBW 6 and STCW 4 lines
Unloading and entering the hall of machines included in the SRWM2 line
Unloading and introducing machines into the hall that are part of the SBVS5 line
Introduction of CT scanner to the production hall
Installation of a coolant filter for piston machining lines with all devices
Disassembly of machines at the production plant in Spain
Number of machinesy: 28 pcs.
Unloading and insertion of machines for the STAA6 line
Disassembly and relocation of a 60 Ton hydraulic press using a hall (mobile) crane ORMIG Pick&Carry
Unloading and putting machines into the hall for the SPVS5 line
Installation of machines and devices included in the production lines for the production of meat products
Disassembly of a production line consisting of eight hydraulic presses with a total weight of 400 tons using ORMIG mobile cranes 60 tons and 25 tons
Disassembly of production machines, preparation for transport, packing, loading. Number of machines: 8 pcs.
Unloading and setting up laboratory machines. Number of machines 2 pcs.
Unloading, putting machines into the building on the second floor. Number of machines 8 pcs.
Layout changes in the production area, relocation of 6 machines.
Unloading and setting up machines and devices included in the production lines. SSAA2, STAA3, SPVS3, SBVS3
Assembly of the hydraulic press using the Pick & Carry Ormig hall crane
Unloading, introducing machines and assembly. Number of machines: 6 pcs.
Layout changes, relocations of machines and devices within the production facility. Number of machines: 18 pcs.
Relocation of the equipment of a Protoshop from Germany to Poland. Number of machines and devices: 46
Unloading and introduction to a production machines facility
Relocation of the 70 ton hydraulic press
Plumbing machines and installation in foundation channels. Number of machines: 6 pcs.
Installation of industrial robots in an automated paint shop on the premises of a production plant in Slovakia
Relocation of a part of the production plant to a new location.
Unloading and placing machines and devices on the 2nd floor of the FORDA line. Number of machines: 63 pcs.
Unloading and positioning of a historic car for a Museum using the ORMIG mobile crane
Relocation of a part of the production plant to a new location.
Layout changes, relocations of machines and devices within the production facility. Number of machines: 9 pcs.
Unloading the machines and putting them in the EOL facility
Unloading and introduction to the facility and assembly of machines to the Pack 2 Module Line 4,5,6 facility. Number of machines: 218 pcs.
Unloading and introducing to the facility and assembly of machines to the CELL 3 FORMATION (701 BLD.) AUTO SORTING facility. Number of machines: 68
RRelocation of a plant to a new location, which included the following production lines: STBW 2/3, STCW 2, SRAS 1, SRAS 2, SBSS2
Relocation of an AXA CNC machine from Germany to Poland: machine weight 50 tons, dimensions: 9m x 5m x 4m
Development of the oil system supplying production machines
Unloading, introduction and assembly of production machinery for the Formation department. Number of machines: 112 pcs.
Unloading and putting the machine into the production line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and setting up machines and devices included in the FORD line. Total number of machines 43 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the LINI AIR FCA GSW line. Total number of machines 21 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Kimla machine relocation
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Layout changes in the production area, relocation of 6 machines.
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the FCA CMA 6 line. Total number of machines 14 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading, introduction and assembly of machines included in the transport lines. Number of machines: 86 pcs.
Moving machines out of the hall and loading
Relocation of the production line for the production of EKO-MIEL04 paper bags
Cofresco Poland Sp.z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the VW MEB 7 Modul 9 line. Number of machines: 105 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the VW MEB 6 Modul 8 line. Number of machines: 108 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and assembly of machines and production equipment at the Mercedes-Daimler Jawor production plant
Neuruppiner Industrieverlagerungs- GmbH
Unloading and putting the MMP 400 into the production line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the BMW 48 line. Number of machines: 75 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and setting up machines and devices included in the formation line. Number of machines i urządzeń: 1415 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Layout changes in the production area, relocation of 4 machines.
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and introducing and setting up the Chamber machine to the laboratory
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and devices included in the Renault EV2020 line. Number of machines: 145 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Disassembly, packing and loading of production machines
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Design and construction of a room in a skeleton construction with glass walls (White House) in H2 site.
Brak możliwości ujawnienia klienta
Perfecta machines disassembly and loading
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading machines and production devices. Number of machines: 42 pcs.
Orca Industriemontagen GmbH& Co.
Unloading of industrial robots
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and relocation of a historic railroad car
Lubin History Museum
Unloading and placing of production machines in the designated place
UNICO Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of a carton production line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of a tin production line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and placing a measuring machine in the laboratory
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Relocation and placing 8 machines in the production hall
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation and placing 6 machines in the production hall
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation and preparing 3 machines for shipment
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising VW MEB line no. 12
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning the machines and equipment on the second floor using a mobile platform
UNICO Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Designing and installing a compressed air system in the production hall
Kessel Sp. z o.o.
Disassembly and preparing 4 machines for shipment
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading crates and boxes from containers, Blending line equipment
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of the production plant facilities to a new site
Emmarol Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning on the first-floor level of the conveyor line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machines and equipment. Number of machines: 16 pcs.
UNICO Logistics Poland Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising VCWA9 and CWA 10 line. Number of machines: 196 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising VOLVO CMA/SPA line. Number of machines: 64 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising FORD 12V line no. 10. Number of machines: 114 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading, positioning and assembly of production machines for line no. 10, 11 and 12. Number of machines: 164 pcs.
Disassembly and loading of Perfecta machines
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of Twinkel machine from Poland to the Netherlands
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of a measuring machine from the laboratory to a new location
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading, positioning and assembly of production machines for line no. 13, 14 15, 16 and 17. Number of machines: 243 pcs.
Installation works Unloading and moving the machine to the production hall
R. Twining and Company Sp.o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising RENAULT MODULE 12 BT6. Number of machines: 114 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading, positioning and assembly of production machines for line no. 18, 19 and 20. Number of machines: 185 pcs.
Relocation of EKO-MIEL04 production line - the line for production of paper bags
Cofresco Frischhalteprodukte GmbH & Co.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising PSAPHEV WAVE 1 line. Number of machines: 68 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and moving C24E machines to the right location
R. Twining and Company Sp.o.o.
Unloading, positioning and assembly of production machines for line no. 21 and 22. Number of machines: 83 pcs.
Relocation of the machines used at RA and RB automated lines
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising AUDI line no. 19. Number of machines: 62 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising AUDI line no. 20. Number of machines: 64 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machinery and equipment comprising VOLVO CMA BEV line no. 16. Number of machines: 68 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of can depalletizer
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Execution of power supply system for MQB 27 production machines
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Disassembly of welding cabins PQ 35. Number of cabins: 2 pcs.
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Reconstruction of workshop spaces for the purposes of new projects
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Assembly of welding cabins PQ 35 and production workstations
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Assembly of paint shop lines. Number of machines: 76 pcs.
Kronoflooring Sp. z o.o.
Unloading of machines and placing in the Entresols. Number of machines: 9 pcs.
Europa Systems Sp. z o.o.
Unloading of machines and ABB robot
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o
Relocation of machinery from England to Poland
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o
Relocation of Carton Line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o
Relocation of Can Line
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o
Extending the compressed air installations
Unloading and positioning of RTG machine to the measuring laboratory
UNICO Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of foaming machine
Termoorgnika Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall of machines and facilities making up the line PACK No 4
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall the machines and facilities which make up the MSGA 3 line
Mando Corporation Poland sp. z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of machine
Autocam Poland Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of plants for product packaging
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall the machines and facilities which make up the CWA4 line: Number of machines: 406 pcs.
UNICO Logistics Poland Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the IMA C24 machine from Italy to Poland
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of machinery from Poland to Italy
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall the machines and facilities which make up the CWA5 and CWA6 line: Number of machines: 396 pcs.
UNICO Logistics Poland Sp. z o.o.
Relocation, placing of machines and relocation of machines for product packaging. Number of machines: 6 pcs.
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation, placing of machines and relocation of machines for product packaging. Number of machines: 9 pcs.
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall the machines and facilities which make up the CWA7 line. Number of machines: 198 pcs.
UNICO Logistics Poland Sp. z o.o.
Unloading of containers with auxiliary devices
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: Notching. Number of machines: 48 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: VD. Number of machines: 67 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: Lamination. Number of machines: 26 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall of machines making up the line : Folding. Number of machines: 34 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: PKG. Number of machines: 36 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: Wetting. Quantity of machines: 18 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: Degas. Number of machines: 64 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Unloading and placing in the hall the machines which make up the line: EOL. Number of machines: 58 pcs.
LG Chem Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
Mando Corporation Poland sp. z o.o.
Relocation of station SC05, including equipment
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading of packing machines
Aleuro Converting Trade Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of production lines (servo-press and bag making machine)
Aleuro Converting Trade Sp. z o.o.
Dismantling of production machines
Bat Eko Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of production plant to a new location (cooperation with Royal Europa employees)
Royal Europa Sp. z o.o
Unloading and positioning in the hall the machines which make up the CAFA5 line
Mando Corporation Poland sp. z o.o.
Inserting and assembly of machine charge
BST System sp. Z o.o.
Unloading and positioning of the machine
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Relocation of the plants Marchesini and CP38
R. Twining and Company Sp. o.o.
Unloading and positioning in the hall the plants and facilities which make up the line PACK No 3
LG Chem Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of welding cabins. Number of machines: 3 pcs.
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the MQB SCR production line. The line consists of 56 pieces of production machinery and equipment and other production equipment (tables, measuring, stands)
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Relocation of the production line for non-wovens production from France to Poland
Euro Comfort Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the material chopping machine inside the plant.
Euro Comfort Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the production elements heating furnace.
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Relocation of the line of wire chopping saws
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Assembly of the nonwovens production machine
Textil Bolesławiec Sp. z o.o.
Assembly of the pillows production machine
EuroComfort Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the SCR II production line. The line consists of 60 pieces of production machinery and equipment and other production equipment (tables, measuring, stands)
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Dismantling the conveyor system in the rings grinding department
Relocation of the production line for non-wovens production from Germany to Poland
Euro Comfort Sp. z o.o.
Relocation of the potato cutting machine with equipment
The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World Sp. z o.o.
Dismantling of production machines in ZKG line<
Volkswagen Motor Polska sp. z o.o.
Execution of the electrical system for a new MQB production line.
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Extending the electrical system by new sub-switchboards.
Sitech Sp. z o.o.
Execution of the compressed air installation for a new SCR II production line.
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Execution of the oil installation for machinery on a new compressor assembly line
Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp z o.o.
Execution of the electrical system for a new SCR II production line.
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Execution of the compressed air installation for a saw line<
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Execution of the electrical system for a saw line
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Execution of the electrical system for a saw line
Voss Automotive Polska Sp z o.o.
Execution of the extraction system from production equipment
Textil Bolesławiec Sp. z o.o.
Execution of the extraction system from the production facility
Textil Bolesławiec Sp. z o.o.
Modernisation of filling installations for machinery
Euro Comfort Sp. z o.o.
Assembly of fire protection flaps in the technological installation throughout the plant.
Euro Comfort Sp. z o.o.