Did you know that one year consists of 8,765.81277 hours? Our mobile service operates for exactly this amount of time each year. We have fully equipped service cars that are ready for any order throughout the country. We provide technical support services for production plants related to the removal of any failures occurring on production lines and machines. We also carry out periodic inspections in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations.
Mobile service – scope of services
We offer our clients:
- CNC machines service,
- removal of current failures,
- technical inspections and maintenance of devices in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and applicable standards,
- PLC service and diagnostics,
- post-warranty service care.
Professional assistance in the event of a breakdown
Our 24/7 service employs industry specialists. Each of them has appropriate training and modern work tools.
If you have additional questions related to the 24/7 service, please contact us.