Robots are becoming more and more common in manufacturing processes. They make production more effective and thus reduce costs of maintenance of production plants. Using the potential of our engineers we engage in industrial robotics. We can integrate robots into your production processes as well as create a new cell in your manufacturing facility using robots made by well-known global manufacturers such as FANUC, KUKA, Motoman, ABB, Mitsubishi.
Owing to the robotization of the system we can automate the production process gaining substantial benefits such as:
- optimal use of production capacity,
- takt time reduction,
- increasing efficiency,
- eliminating bottleneck phenomenon,
- reduced scrap rates,
- reducing number of defects,
- minimising costs
Depending on the processes used, we choose a proper type of robot which would comply with work parameters. We adjust the robots to our customer’s needs, modify them, deliver to the site, program the robots and integrate them with the production process. As an example some robot applications are given below.