For many years our company has been processing complex orders within the scope of modernization and reconstruction of production lines, as well as relocation of production plants. Since the beginning of our activity we have done our best to become a trustworthy company, therefore we pay attention most notably to timely and reliable realization of particular orders. We treat each order individually, thus we may offer flexible terms and conditions of cooperation and solutions tailored to the needs of a given customer.
The task of the maintenance department in our company is to prevent the deterioration of the technical condition of devices, minimize the risk of failure and immediately take action to restore the full functionality of production means.
The design and machine building department specializes in the construction of entire production lines, robotization of processes and creation of devices. Depending on the needs, we offer comprehensive design and manufacturing of individual devices.
Taking care of the comprehensiveness of our company's services, our machine relocation department changes the work location of particular devices, technological lines and even entire plants. We provide services for individual clients and business partners.
The industrial equipment rental department was created as a result of the continuous development of our company, in particular the department of machine and production plants relocation. Our offer is targeted at companies that periodically or rarely use this type of equipment, and its purchase for their own use is not always profitable.
Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego Kapitał Zakładowy: 200 000,00 PLN
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